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As many of you may know, I've recently decided to move back to Bucharest, my birth town and open a studio/workshop of my own there. It'll be my little retreat place, no matter where else life brings me. I did manage to rent out a space with nothing but empty walls, which is great but also a lot of hard work. I had to start it all from scratch and there still is a lot of work to do to make it the perfect creation corner! If you want my forever gratitude, some awesome treats in your mail box and lots and lots of love, make sure to join my fundraiser either on Manyvids or and help out with renovations! EVERY LITTLE HELPS!
EDIT: MANY MANY THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO WAS KIND ENOUGH TO PARTICIPATE IN MY FUNDRAISER AND MANAGED TO MAKE IT HAPPEN! We finally managed to reach it together and it was a whole lotta fun! The studio apartment is alright for now so I'll take a brake from investing in surroundings for a while and focus more on Live Shows and whatever other wishes you guys have! Lots and lots of love from me! XD